Sunday, June 3, 2007


We are all created equal, at least in one very important area; we all have the ability to choose our own destiny. Do not believe that it is true? You really have much more power than you ever imagined; you just have been conditioned to be a follower and not a leader. Oh sure you get tough now and then and show some internal fortitude (guts) but guess what? If you applied that towards everything you do in your daily life, would things change? Could it? You know it would, I have found that if you become PROACTIVE in the way you look at life, huge changes can happen. I used to think I had no control over my life that my destiny was formed and I was just along for the ride, ohh how wrong I was, and what things I have missed in life, because of that misguided belief. Do you really think that many of the great inventions and innovations that are in our world today came just because of luck, or chance? No it happened because someone took the chance and made an idea into reality. They more than likely had someone in their family, or friends that said, you cannot do that, or it will never work, but the persistence to the dream was strong. They did not wait for someone else to make it happen, they made it a reality. Do you believe that there are hidden treasures in your own mind waiting to be unleashed?, ohh yeah, the most powerful computer in the whole world is inside your own mind. It just needs to be turned on, or utilized to its true potential.

So I believe in a destiny, my own, ruled by a strong belief in what can be, not in what it could have been. Can you change your destiny today? Yes, you change right now, this very second, but you have to change the way you think, and not expect someone else to change for you. It is your choice of how to live your life, and NO ONE ELSE. It is like belief in Christ, people will say "Do you believe in God?" and you may say "Yeah I believe in God" but do you really? Or do you just say it? It is like that for you, Do You Believe in Yourself? Or do you just utter the words? I used to be in the latter group; I would sit around and wait for a better day, for my luck to change, for my time. Such wasted time, and mostly I was disappointed. Then one day I opened my eyes, I discovered the secret, I made a choice, and I found that if I really wanted change, all I had to do was make it happen, not wait for someone, or something to make it happen, I made it happen, I made my own destiny. I did not wait for luck or chance.

It is always hard to NOT take the easy path, the path of least resistance calls to you and it is the path most people take, and I understand, that fear is always there too, Fear of the unknown, always questioning yourself, seeds of doubt. It is the way we were born and raised, and it is part of our internal self protection, but until you are willing to take a chance, your life will continue down that road you are on, but if you see the fork in the road, and you make your own choice, that is when you really start living, take the unknown path, fight off the fears and take action.

Always remember this one thing.........You have the power, you always have, it is God given, and it is yours alone. Will you change your destiny? Or will you let it change you?